WADSWORTH …………………………………………..………… Thad Cuse
YVETTE ………………………………………….………………… Katie Sinclair
MISS SCARLETT …………………………..……………………. Anna Nelson
MRS. PEACOCK ……………………………………….. Melissa Drakeford
MRS. WHITE ……………………….…………………………. Paula Buschta
COLONEL MUSTARD ………….……………………… Roger Holdeman
PROFESSOR PLUM ………………………………………… Steve Johnson
MR. GREEN ………………………………….……………………. Gio Johnson
Kayla Stamp, Susan LaBar, Paige Winner, Steven Christensen,
Christian Marshall, Liz Seven, Jennifer Neil, Heather Rhineheart,
Emmalee Sims, Emily Peterson
Well, it was tough to cast but I think we did good! Thank you to all who auditioned. There were so many new faces and that’s always exciting to see because we need more talent in this wonderful hobby of ours. Your auditions were good- you guys really captured these characters. With the perfect cast we can't wait to get started. I'm so excited for this show!
For those of you who may not have landed the role you wanted, I still want to see your involvement! Showing up and doing what's best for this production is a good way to earn your preferred role on stage in a future production. Those of you in our ensemble will be playing extra characters, assisting during scene changes, and providing props when needed; it’ll feel great being involved from day one! All assignments will be announced at a later date.
Orientation will be this Sunday at 2:00 pm in the lower level of the Old Armory. I look forward to seeing you all then!
J.C. LaBar